How Do I Maintain My Carpet After a Professional Carpet Cleaning?

When you get your carpet professionally cleaned, keeping it clean becomes a potential issue. Consider these tips to keep your carpet clean after a professional carpet cleaning.

Wait Before Walking

Never walk across wet carpeting. Allow carpets to dry completely first, whether you clean up a small spill or after a professional cleaning.

Remove Shoes But Do Not Go Barefoot

It turns out that walking barefoot across your professionally cleaned carpet is not such a good idea after all. The reason is that the natural oils in your skin potentially leaves oily residue behind. This oily residue possibly leaves your carpet with a dirty look and can attract dirt. Instead of going completely barefoot, walk on your carpet while wearing socks or slippers that you do not wear outdoors.

Clean Stains And Spills Immediately

Always clean all spills and stains immediately. The longer a spill remains on carpeting, the harder it is to remove it.

Blot Only

Instead, blot spills or stains. Blotting soaks up the spill, whereas rubbing causes it to soak into carpet fibers. Try water to clean the spill first. Use a clean white towel or paper towels. Some sources recommend using a carpet spot cleaner or stain remover. However, Angie’s List recommends against using harsh chemicals, advising that if water does not work, try a small amount of dish detergent. If this does not work, contact your professional carpet-cleaning provider for help.

Vacuum Regularly

Do you vacuum only when your carpet looks like it needs vacuuming? Keep carpet looking clean longer after a professional carpet cleaning by vacuuming regularly, whether you think the carpet needs it or not. Vacuuming removes dirt and particles you may not see. Vacuuming regularly also helps remove pollutants carried inside.

Need a carpet cleaning company? Contact the professional carpet cleaners at Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning today.



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