Spring is in the air and that means so is the rain! As most of you with pets and children know, that can wreak havoc on your clean carpets with all those muddy paw/foot prints. We’re going to share a tip with you to help your carpet look better in between cleanings. Ready? LET IT DRY! That’s right, I said it. Don’t touch it. Dirt is so much easier to clean when it’s dry rather than when it’s wet and muddy. Let it dry completely and try to not let it smear deeper into the carpet fibers.

Once it’s all nice and dry vacuum over it VERY slowly to ensure you allow the vacuum time to do it’s job. If there’s any soil remaining then you can spray a mixture of half water, half vinegar and blot dry with a clean white towel. Do not rub and by all means do NOT use those store bought spot removers or a DIY mixture containing soap. Those leave residue, and residue attracts soil, and soil means spots. Which means you’ve just completely defeated the purpose of trying to remove the spots from your carpet.

Remember: Let the mud dry completely, vacuum slowly, blot with vinegar/water solution, and do not use those store bought spot removers. This will help carpet cleanings last longer.



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